Thursday, January 23, 2014

Catch up - January 23, 2014

Kris and I have been coming to the house a little each day, we are here now and of course, he is sleeping :)  Wish I could say everything was going well and stable, but it is not... just like life I guess. 

I continue to do the up and down tango, not sure which way to go.  But I know that sooner or later a decision must be made and will be made with peace and courage.  
Kris is still at Grace Pointe Rehab Unit, still having issues with edema and now gout, he fell while trying to sit in a chair the other night (landed on one knee but jarred his already painful back), he won't eat in the dining room now, but has trouble with eating anyway so I can help better this way; sleep is still an issue (sleep in day and paces at night when I am not there, yes, the co-dependance is an issue but is normal the doctor says; not easy but normal); and the ever present incontinence. 
I am still going home at nights to sleep, my sister is still here with the dogs in the evenings; Kris' niece and her husband will start on the home renovations tomorrow.   
Just to cover my ever/never changing mind, the owner from Aspen House is coming over in a bit to do an assessment, just in case I land on a final decision.  Have filled out an application for VA nursing facility in Denver - just in case.  (See a pattern yet?  :( ).  I don't know where my decision-making process went, but it must be on extended vacation.

Thanks for your continued prayers and encouragement, give me time, I will land somewhere :)

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